Latest News & Events

  • A winning pair!

    A pair of Coloured Down lambs from Wakeham-Dawson & Harmer wins the lowland champion and over all native champion at the Welsh Winter Fair 2022. Another pair from Mrs Lynda Richards-Davies take fourth in their class.

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  • It’s registration time!

    Calling all members – it is that time of year again for registering this year’s lambs. Our fees are £5.00 for ram lambs and £3.00 for ewe lambs which is priced to be affordable and will not increase other than by inflation. To be in the 2023 Flock Book, entries…

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  • Late Summer Association Sales

    This year’s Coloured Down Sheep Association sales at Llandovery Market in Carmarthen and at Hailsham Market in East Sussex were highly successful, building on previous years and growing increasingly popular with local breeders. Our sales do not have upset prices. If desired, reserve price is set by each vendor for…

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Rules and Bye-laws of the Association

  • A) Membership applications are to be made to the Association Breed Secretary in writing. To be accepted at the following Trustee meeting after the payment of the appropriate fees.
  • B) Membership and fees
    • Qualifications for full Association membership:– active breeders of  Coloured Down Sheep, having registered lambs within the last two years or submitted foundation stock to the breed register in the last year.
  • C) Officers of Association
      Honorary Secretarial duties to be split into three sections with the following duties

    • Registrations
    • Membership
    • Publicity and Promotions
      Honorary Treasurer

    • Finances and budgeting

    Vice Chairman

  • D) There are five categories under which sheep may be registered.
    Please see diagram for breeding programmes 3 and 4.
    See breed characteristic chart.
  • E) PEDIGREE RECORDING takes place on the breeding programme Farm Matters
  • F) Registrations can be entered electronically. Pedigree certificates can be down loaded and printed off.
    The annual flock book can be downloaded as a PDF and printed.
  • G) Shows and Association sales. Members are encouraged to support all agricultural shows and exhibit their sheep to promote the breed. A flock competition will be held annually for members to exhibit their whole flocks.
    Two Association Sales are up and running so far:

    • Hailsham market in Sussex takes place in July/August each year.
    • Llandovery market in Carmarthenshire takes place in August/September each year.
  • H) Signet recording for improved performance is encouraged. Maintenance or Up-grading of sheep in each breeding programme is encouraged and support is offered to members by field officers who are available to visit your livestock on request.
  • I) Performance data can be accessed from the Association and Signet websites. County show results and flock competition results will be published on the Association website.
  • J) All members will be treated equally and there will be no discrimination.
  • K) Complaints and Appeal Procedure. If you have a complaint about the CYMDEITHAS ISELDIR DEFAID LLIW – Coloured Down Sheep Association please raise it through the Breed Membership Secretary. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 15 days of how the complaint will be dealt with and of the outcome of the complaint and any appeal procedure. For full details of process see  ‘CYMDEITHAS ISELDIR DEFAID LLIW – Coloured Down Sheep Association Complaints and Appeal Procedure’.
  • L) Should any inspection be deemed necessary by the Trustees on farm, at shows or at sales, this will be carried out by a Trustee or listed Association Judge. The owners of sheep will always be given the opportunity to be present at any inspection of their sheep, the reason for inspection will be given.
  • M) Current DEFRA legislation regarding individual identification must be complied with.
  • N) Sheep should be shorn fully on or after 1st January of the year of showing if aged shearlings or older. Sheep shown that are shearlings or older must be registered with the Association and lambs must be eligible for registration.
  • O) Lambs for annual registration can be born from 20th December in the previous year up until 19th December in the existing year.
  • P) All sheep shown must have been the property of the exhibitor for at least three months prior to the show, unless the rules of any particular agricultural show override this.
  • Q) All members must operate in the best interests of the Association.