Latest News & Events

  • A winning pair!

    A pair of Coloured Down lambs from Wakeham-Dawson & Harmer wins the lowland champion and over all native champion at the Welsh Winter Fair 2022. Another pair from Mrs Lynda Richards-Davies take fourth in their class.

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  • It’s registration time!

    Calling all members – it is that time of year again for registering this year’s lambs. Our fees are £5.00 for ram lambs and £3.00 for ewe lambs which is priced to be affordable and will not increase other than by inflation. To be in the 2023 Flock Book, entries…

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  • Late Summer Association Sales

    This year’s Coloured Down Sheep Association sales at Llandovery Market in Carmarthen and at Hailsham Market in East Sussex were highly successful, building on previous years and growing increasingly popular with local breeders. Our sales do not have upset prices. If desired, reserve price is set by each vendor for…

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Breed Characteristics of the Association

  • HEAD – wide level between the ears
  • FACE – full, not long from eyes to poll
  • EYES – large, bright and prominent
  • EARS – medium, level with the poll
  • NECK – wide at the base, strong and well set on the shoulders
  • CARRIAGE – sound legs, with a good spring in the pastern, set well apart and straight
  • LOCOMOTION – a smooth, fluid gait
  • CHEST – wide and deep
  • SHOULDERS and BACK – level with a wide flat loin
  • RIBS – well sprung
  • RUMP – wide, long and full
  • TAIL – high tail head, set almost level with the spine
  • GIGOT – full and well-muscled
  • WOOL – fine texture and density, covering the whole body down to the hocks and knees and
    right up to the poll with a full foretop. Not wool blind.
    The wool may be any colour or shade of naturally occurring wool which may change with age.
    Grey, brown, blue, black, white or any of those colours with coloured spots
  • HAIR – on the legs and face only. It may be any colour or shade and there may be spots of a
    different colour
  • SKIN – any colour