Welcome to our website for the Association for Coloured Down Sheep

If you, like us, just want to enjoy all types of Coloured Down sheep – be it commercially or as pets, be they large or small, black or white (and anything in between) – then why not consider joining us? We all know how very special Coloured Down sheep are – particularly their characters – so we feel it’s our duty to ensure that they continue to flourish.


Our aim is to offer a friendly, all-inclusive, low-cost Association with more of a convivial ‘club’ feel… Our small band of breeders have volunteered to take on the running of the Association and, by using technology to reduce the need and costs associated with paper, printing, postage etc, we hope that breeding pedigree Coloured Down sheep can become cost-effective for all.

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We have two breeding sales each year in July/August – one in Sussex and one in Wales – and a popular Facebook page where people are asking questions and making useful contacts, and where many breeders are finding customers for buying and selling their sheep.

We hold group meetings, farm walks and information days – and would love to see you out and about, showing with us…


Our membership offers a wide range of benefits

  • £15 annual membership fee
  • £3 to register a female lamb
  • £5 to register a male lamb

News & Events

A winning pair!

A pair of Coloured Down lambs from Wakeham-Dawson & Harmer wins the lowland champion and over all native champion at the Welsh Winter Fair 2022. Another pair from Mrs Lynda Richards-Davies take fourth in their class.

It’s registration time!

Calling all members – it is that time of year again for registering this year’s lambs. Our fees are £5.00 for ram lambs and £3.00 for ewe lambs which is priced to be affordable and will not increase other than by inflation. To be in the 2023 Flock Book, entries need...

Late Summer Association Sales

This year’s Coloured Down Sheep Association sales at Llandovery Market in Carmarthen and at Hailsham Market in East Sussex were highly successful, building on previous years and growing increasingly popular with local breeders. Our sales do not have upset prices. If...